Sister Properties
Meadow Lark ApartmentsOpens in new tab
953 South Troy Street, Aurora, CO 80012
Phone Number (720) 501-6864- Beds: 1 -to 3
- Sq. Ft.: 660 -to 1270
- Baths: 1 -to 2
- Type: Apartment.
$1,490to - $2,185Limited Time: Get $750 off move-in costs when you move in within 7 days of the application being submitted!Apply Now
Fox Hill ApartmentsOpens in new tab
17611 W. 16th Ave., Golden, CO 80401
Phone Number (720) 501-6897- Beds: 1 -to 3
- Sq. Ft.: 580 -to 984
- Baths: 1 -to 2
- Type: Apartment.